Temple and Family

Key Idea: God’s eternal presence in and among the Community of Trusters forms them as his valued place of worship, and his presence with and toward them forms them as a joyful family of serving Siblings.

God is with his people forever in proximity and partnership through his eternal presence. He unites them as one people in relationship with a common purpose. This common purpose orders the church’s priorities toward the worship of God and service to one another.

God’s eternal, covenant presence in and among forms his people as his valued Temple where he dwells, and they worship. They are a structure set aside for the worship of God, a building reserved for this highly valued function. The people themselves are this prioritized space. While consumerism tries to infect the church with works righteousness and the judgmentalisms of personal preference, the church keeps her eyes on God alone. Gazing at him, she remains steadfastly a place and a people set apart for him alone.

God is with and toward his people forever through his eternal, gracious presence as Father, Son, and Spirit. His affection for them, his expressed caring, binds them to himself and one another as his joyful family, a community of serving Siblings. They are the children of one Father, sharing life as a unit formed not of structures but relationships. Though cultural individualism tries to attack the mutual care and unity of the church, she remains the family of God, a community of siblings who choose to love one another.

Launch Pad: Author’s ponderings on withness and towardness; M230314T1029

About Laura

My name is Laura and I am on a journey, pondering the implications of God's glorious design of humanity and integrating sundry aspects of this design into a description of what it means to be the new humanity.
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